Thursday, April 23, 2015

Game of Thrones Swap--recieved

So apparently I'm hooked on swaps now. Or, rather, if people keep coming up with swaps for shows/fandoms I really enjoy, I'm going to keep doing them!

We'll do this like we did the Downton Abbey Swap and put it in two parts so this post doesn't get hellaciously long, yeah?

Let's start out with the MOST AWESOME swap package I received all the way from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia from Ravelry user QTR. It took a long time to get here, but it was well worth the wait! And it came last Friday on a delightful 80F sunny afternoon just when I was thinking things couldn't get much better around here... and then they did!

Here’s my full haul:
Game of Thrones--full

I started out by opening this super cute card (which Jonas keeps trying to claim):card

And then this:
colouring book
I don’t know if I mentioned anywhere that colouring is my absolute favourite de-stressing activity of all time, but if I didn’t, then this is the best fortuitous decision for a swap package for me ever. I cannot wait to start colouring the Game of Thrones characters. This book is super fun and will be a good companion to me as I live apart from Jonas for the next 6 months due to work/school things.

Inside looks like this:
inside colouring book

Next… tea! Which is exciting because I was just thinking to myself that I had to have that fight with Jonas about who gets to keep which tea. Now I have my very own.

I’m excited to try it. I’ve never had Melbourne Breakfast tea, but I’m going to drink it and pretend it’s the same as what they’re drinking in Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.

cowl SK plus cowl
I HAVE A COWL OF MY VERY OWN!!! AND IT’S BLUE AND BROWN!!! It will look stunning with all my coats and it’s beautiful and I love it. I was actually briefly wishing it wasn’t 80F (27C) outside so I could actually wear my cowl because I was so excited, so I guess everyone in the US Midwest who's annoyed that it's been 40F and snowing this week, you can blame me. I've totally had my cowl on. It's delightful.

project bag
A dragon project bag! And it’s red and black! This is my first of the knot-style bags, so I’m excited to try it out for something. I love this fabric so much. Apparently I have a thing with Odd Duck swaps and project bags with dragons on them. I am 100% okay with this!

This yarn, though. First… it’s from a dyer that’s local to my spoiler, which is a thing I LOVE. I’m so excited to get my very own yarn that was dyed in Australia and sent straight to me. I know with the advent of the internet I could make these things happen more often, but I just love so much when people send me things that are part of their piece of the world. And the colour. This yarn is beautiful and bright and sparkly and everything lovely and I cannot wait until it grows up into socks and I get to show it off to everyone.

And then… There may have been a series of unintelligible squeaking sounds before I yelled out “I love you so much” upon seeing what else was inside the bag.
shiro top shiro bottom
The top photo is terrible (probably because I was so ridiculously overjoyed that I couldn't hold the camera still), but I GOT GAME OF THRONES SHIRO!!! I love these eyeshadows so much (which I’m more than sure was evident from ALL my wishlist posts) and I’d been meaning to buy the Game of Thrones ones but hadn’t gotten around to it and now I have them. Best!

I feel so ridiculously spoiled, everyone. I don’t think I have the words to adequately express how overjoyed I am about everything in this package. Thank you so, so, so, so much QTR.


  1. Whoa, these gifts are SO perfect for you! I love that gorgeous cowl and the yarn couldn't be more perfect either.

    1. I know, right? SUCH a good job. That cowl makes me feel SO trendy and I wish I could wear it every day forever. This is a perfect swap package.
