Monday, March 30, 2015

Hand-Painted Yarn: Game of Thrones -- Wolves of Winter

Hi all.

Lots to talk about in the crafting world (re-finished a pair of knee-highs, designed and knit some fingerless mitts for another swap, knit a project bag for said swap, started a sweater for Jonas) but I want to talk about the latest yarn I just put up in my Etsy shop.

I'm in a Game of Thrones swap with the Odd Duck Swaps of Ravelry (see swap referenced in previous paragraph) and my original partner (story on that later) said that they were a fan of Arya Stark. I had been meaning to create some Game of Thrones colourways anyway so I pulled two skeins of yarn and decided to use my favourite new gradient yarn technique and create a colourway inspired by House Stark.

The yarn was actually dyed with two different grey colours and because this is a superwash it took the dye in a very interesting way compared to the tester skein I did of just regular wool. It's not what I was intending, but I love the way it turned out.

Originally I wanted to do a play on the grey and white of the House Stark sigil, but this really turned into so much more. It's the stone walls of Winterfell, it's the grey and white of the direwolf pups the Stark kids find in the woods, it's the grey skies and snows of the north. This is one of my favourite colourways to date and I'm seriously considering making myself a bunch so I can knit all the things with it (more on that when I talk about my swap package).

I'm interested to hear what you all think about it, so please let me know!


  1. There's also a great element of winter sky when it's below zero. This is quite stellar.

    1. Thanks! I rather like it. It's delightfully wintry, which you'd think I'd hate, but suits my inherent northerner just well despite all efforts I make to squelch said inherent desires.
