Wednesday, January 7, 2015

WIP Wednesday: Tauriel by Bonne Marie Burns

So, I'm trying to start a new feature here, we'll say if I can keep up with it.

Every Wednesday, both so I can measure my progress and keep myself accountable (though the latter is less important since I'm mainly a monogamous crafter), I plan to post a photo of my current work in progress. I figure at the very least this will make sure I post once a week and perhaps a nice end result will that I can do a bit of a "year in photos" post once we reach the end of 2015. Plus I thought it would be fun.

Here's my current WIP, Tauriel by Bonne Marie Burns from Chic Knits. I'm at least 95% positive it has nothing to do with the new character in the Hobbit movies, but I won't say I don't think this looks like it could have been inspired by her.

I'm knitting it out of Berocco Ultra Alpaca that I bought back on Small Business Saturday of 2013 because that's the yarn selected by the Random Number Generator. Not that I don't love knitting with that yarn and not that I'm not super happy about all things involving this sweater, just that I asked RNG what yarn I should use and it chose this. I bought another sweater quantity in orange to knit something for Jonas and I most certainly won't regret that decision whenever it comes around to making it. The yarn is soft and fluffy and not at all splitty and very lovely.

I actually had this pattern in my queue (though not for that long) after hearing the Knitmore Girls sing the praises of the Chic Knits patterns and then going through and queuing basically all of them, so once the yarn was selected I used the magic of the Ravelry pattern browser to match it up with a pattern in my queue and it was a match made in heaven.

The pattern is somewhat brilliantly written (especially if you hate seaming) and the cable pattern is incredibly easy to memorise. At most points (until I got to the bottom and actually had to knit ALL THE WAY AROUND the cardigan) this was pretty much flying off the needles. Right now I have about 10 rows of stockinette and then 10 rows of ribbing to knit on the second sleeve and it will be done. I started this on December 27. Now, I've had more knitting time than usual since then, but not bad for a full size sweater.

On that note, I really, really, really hope that my washed swatch didn't lie to me and that the characteristic alpaca drape and stretchiness isn't going to let me down. Otherwise I better add some length to the sleeves at the very least...they're, well, noticeably short. If they were pants people would ask me if I were expecting a flood. We shall see after blocking.

I'm betting you'll meet up with this sweater again in all it's finished and blocked glory on FO Friday. I have a mind to finish these sleeves as soon as I sign off here. Which is now.


  1. Gah! This is gorgeousness! I was just saying to myself that I wished I could be dressed entirely in alpaca today. Like a huge alpaca onesie.

    1. I wish I were wearing it. It's still slightly damp and blocking and I just keep thinking about how much I wish I had my alpaca sweater while we're in the midst of this horrid frozen spell.
