Friday, February 21, 2014

Mitten HO

Since I’ve been stuck working at home due to further horrible weather, and since I’ve apparently gotten myself deep into the forest that is knitting podcasts, I’ve decided to do like four projects at once. This is significant, as I'm very much a monogamous knitter, generally speaking.

This, combined with me being inspired to use up my stash yarn in a somewhat methodical fashion (because I do everything in a methodical fashion) and start with what’s been sitting around the longest, has led to me making mittens over the last two days. Or, rather, A mitten.

This is a modified version of a pattern that’s supposedly inspired by Bella’s mittens in one of the Twilight movies. I wouldn’t know, as I haven’t actually seen these films. I just thought the antler cable pattern was pretty fantastic. The mitten is a pastel green that is far less minty green than this. It calls for a bulky weight yarn (the original pattern calls for about 200yds/180m, but I only had 120yds/110m of yarn, so I shortened the cuff). I had a skein of Paton’s Beehive Baby Chunky laying around left over from a bunting I made for a friend’s baby (who is probably 3 years old by now, so the yarn’s been languishing in the drawer for a while). The colourway is called “quicker clover” whatever that means. It’s a nice light green that’s not quite mint, so take that as you will.

I’ll post another photo whenever I have a second mitten. I want to try to finish it by Sunday to have another thing to enter into Ravellenic Winter Games 2014, but I’m having “second mitten syndrome” as it were and I’m trying to muster the Can to cast on for the second one. I worked the whole thing on DPNs and while I actually like knitting on DPNs, unlike many, I will admit that they do have a tendency to get horridly in the way of one another at points and aren’t the best when you’re trying to cable front and then cable back on the same DPN.

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